T-MUM Progress

Completed Dissertation: A Taxonomy of Media Usage in Multimedia (T-MUM)
9 May 2003
I completed the dissertation research in late spring of 2003. The dissertation was approved, and recieved the appropriate signatures by May 9th. The abstract, acknowledgements, and complete report can be viewed here - be advised that the complete report is approximately 10 mb and requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (if you don't have the reader, get it here).

Presentations at George Washington University
24 October 2002
I visited George Washington University in the fall of 2002 during the intial research and development of T-MUM. Drs. Martin, Heller, and Aleem were kind enough to invite me to present my theories at their Computer Science Colloquium and also to Dr. Aleem's multimedia class. Feedback during these presentations influenced methods used in later evaluating T-MUM and also the T-MUM model itself. The abstract, my bio (at the time), and PowerPoint slides are available here.

Copyright © 2003 Meg Williams, all rights reserved.
T-MUM development began as part of a dissertation study for
Nova Southeastern University's Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences.