T-MUM Dissertation Acknowledgements

Many have helped and encouraged me throughout this fascinating journey, and I offer my thanks to all of them. In particular, I want to thank all my evaluators, who spent their precious time to further my studies. In addition, I offer special thanks to:

  • Joanne F. Otto, my mother, who spent many hours proofreading and being my fellow wordsmith, but more importantly stressed the importance of education throughout my life and backed up her convictions with practical, financial help - without which, this literally would not have been possible

  • Stephen K. Otto, my father, who has always believed I could achieve anything, and whose lifelong encouragement made me believe it too

  • Dr. Maxine Cohen, my advisor, who offered encouragement, solid feedback, and buckets of patience for my over-exuberance

  • Bill and Marilyn Otto, my aunt and uncle, whose hospitality saved me a fortune in hotel and car rental fees, and in addition offered wonderful company (1 a.m. conversations) and home-cooked meals - all of which were priceless

  • Dr. Martin, Dr. Heller, and Dr. Aleem, whose input and expertise offered a level of credibility to my validation process that I will be eternally grateful for

  • Dr. Tim Ellis, committee member, whose thorough and candid feedback consistently pushed me to explore further and understand better

  • Dr. Jim Cannady, my professor and committee member, who supplied abundant motivation by being a man of high ideals who clearly identified his expectations, thus inspiring me to try to exceed them

  • Leslie Hanlin (Sistoireé), my sister, who in my eyes has always been (and always will be) the 'smart' daughter, thus inciting me to work harder, be better, and succeed

  • Nan and Duck (Mr. and Mrs. Forman), my beloved grandparents, who always have had high standards and have always loved me - even when I fell short

  • Dr. Carol Tabler, my aunt, who made me believe a Ph. D. was worth the effort

  • Bertha Joiner, my joyous mother-in-law, who always wears a smile that lights up a room, and whose candor makes us kindred spirits

  • Thera, Marcus, and Ashley Williams, my stepchildren, who have been consistently understanding on the evenings I had to disappear for hours due to schoolwork

Finally, I want to thank Allen C. Williams, Jr., my beloved husband, who has offered me endless patience, love, and support - not to mention a willingness to honeymoon at a Nova cluster! Thank you, Allen. I cannot imagine a more wonderful (or entertaining) life partner. You are an amazing man - yes, I do think so.

Copyright © 2003 Meg Williams, all rights reserved.
T-MUM development began as part of a dissertation study for
Nova Southeastern University's Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences.